Feb 24, 2009

slaughter house

So, after watching Fast Food Nation, I think I'm going to puke my fucking guts out & become a vegetarian. In that order. Dangit, maybe I will only eat Braum's beef, or Arby's (it's so delicious!!). .....Maybe Wal-Mart's chicken too. This is going to be tough! If only our childhood ignorance about the real world can extend into adulthood, life would be much, much easier. Justin & I are going to buy our new t.v. tomorrow--woo-hoo! We're getting cable too. Look's like I won't be on the computer very much anymore since my ass will be too big to get off the fucking couch. Now I can really see what those bitches on Bret Michael's Rock of Love look like in HD quality. Not so purdy now, are ya?

1 comment:

katie johnson said...

ummm i am laughing so hard at this!!!!!!!!!